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Autor/inn/enBarton, Keith C.; Smith, Lynne A.
TitelHistorical Fiction in the Middle Grades.
Quelle(1994), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescent Literature; European History; Global Approach; Interdisciplinary Approach; Intermediate Grades; Junior High Schools; Middle Schools; Modern History; Thematic Approach; World History; World War II
AbstractThis research presents finding from a preliminary study of the use of historical fiction in the middle grades. Focusing on historical fiction related to World War II and the Holocaust, the researchers sought to examine the factors that influenced teachers' decisions to implement historical fiction in their classrooms and students' responses to its use. Through observation in classrooms, in-depth interviews of the two teacher participants, and interviews of 14 student participants, the data gathered suggests that greater use of historical fiction in the middle grades is warranted, but that such use depends on more extensive and more flexible access to materials and continued teacher training in the use of groups. Problems of scheduling, lack of available materials, reading levels of materials, and discomfort in allowing students to work in literature response groups are cited. Suggestions for classroom materials are included. (EH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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