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Autor/inSuarez, Jose I.
TitelThe Language & International Trade Program at Clemson University.
Quelle(1993), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBusiness Education; College Students; Foreign Countries; Foreign Culture; Higher Education; International Education; International Trade; Internship Programs; Overseas Employment; Program Descriptions; Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; State Universities; Study Abroad; Undergraduate Study
AbstractClemson University (South Carolina) has developed an undergraduate Language and International Trade program designed to train students to meet the needs of American firms doing business overseas. Program aims are that graduates know one foreign language, be attuned to cultural differences, have a business training foundation, and have experience living and working in a foreign country. The program offers specializations in French, German, Spanish, applied economics, forest products, international trade, textiles, and tourism. Currently 220 students are majoring in the program, of whom 90 percent are specializing in international trade. During their junior year students complete an internship either abroad or stateside with an international firm. These are arranged by the students themselves, through a professional placement office, or by the university administration. In many cases Clemson has developed agreements with other higher education institutions, chambers of commerce, and civic clubs in foreign countries to exchange students. However, direct placement with firms abroad has been difficult: many firms are not open to undergraduate interns, most American students prefer to intern in summer, and firms prefer to have students work for at least 6 months. Clemson charges no fee for the internship placement. The job placement rate among graduates 1 year after graduation has increased from 48 percent in 1991 to 52 percent in 1993. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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