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Autor/inn/enKluever, Raymond C.; Green, Kathy E.
TitelAn Examination of Ethnic and Gender Differences in the Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices Test.
Quelle(1994), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnglo Americans; Cultural Differences; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; Ethnic Groups; Hispanic Americans; Intelligence Tests; Rural Schools; Sex Differences; Test Bias; Test Results; Test Use; Raven Progressive Matrices
AbstractResponse patterns to the Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) were analyzed for a sample of 203 Hispanic and 254 Anglo first- through fifth-grade children from a rural school district in southern Colorado. Gender distributions were nearly equal. Gender and ethnic differences were examined within the context of determining whether the CPM functioned in a similar manner across groups. The greatest differences in test structure were found between boys and girls, not between ethnic groups. Some performance differences were found between Anglo and Hispanic children, particularly with fourth- and fifth-grade girls. Results suggest that use of the CPM subtests may provide insight into the mechanisms underlying these gender and ethnic differences. One figure and eight tables are included. (Contains 10 references.) (Author/SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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