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Autor/inWells, Ruth Herman
TitelLearning To Like the Kid in the Mirror. Breakthrough Strategies To Teach and Counsel Troubled Youth: Social Skills, School Skills, Coping Skills Lesson Series.
Quelle(1993), (35 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adolescents; Attitude Change; Behavior Change; Secondary Education; Self Concept; Self Esteem; Youth Problems
AbstractThis document is one of eight in a series of guides designed to help teach and counsel troubled youth. It presents 20 lessons that focus primarily on building self-esteem and learning to like oneself. The first lesson introduces students to the concept of self-esteem, the second helps students to determine their own level of self-esteem, and the third helps them to understand the causes of low self-esteem. Other lessons assist students in formulating their own opinions of themselves and in rejecting assessments based on prejudices, bias, and the opinions of others. Several lessons show students how to recognize more of their positive attributes. Two lessons teach the difference between esteem based on internal and external forces. Other lessons explain how perfectionism can adversely affect self-esteem; teach students that no one wins all the time and that setbacks do not have to undermine esteem; and encourage students to emphasize the positive about themselves. Students are also taught about self-care and how to avoid self-blame for mistakes and setbacks. One lesson explains to students that not everyone is going to like them and that this does not need to lower their self-esteem. Students are taught to accept or improve the things they do not like about themselves and to acknowledge improvements they have made in their level of esteem. One lesson notes that some beliefs about life that students hold may be inaccurate and may undermine their self-esteem. The final lesson provides information to students on how to successfully make changes and set goals. (NB)
AnmerkungenYouth Change, 275 N. Third St., Woodburn, OR 97071-4705 ($12 per book, $90 per set of eight).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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