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Autor/inn/enGabbard, Susan; Goldring, Luin
InstitutionCalifornia State Dept. of Employment Development, Sacramento.
TitelThe Occupational Mobility of Current and Former Farm Workers: A Comparative Analysis in Two California Labor Markets. California Agricultural Studies, 91-3.
Quelle(1991), (52 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgricultural Laborers; Demography; Educational Attainment; Farm Labor; Immigrants; Labor Market; Mexican Americans; Mexicans; Migrant Workers; Occupational Information; Occupational Mobility; Occupational Surveys; Undocumented Immigrants; California
AbstractThis report examines the occupational mobility of agricultural workers in two California labor markets and the effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act and individual, job, and labor-market characteristics on such mobility. Interviews were conducted among a randomly selected sample of 162 households, which included 401 workers in southern California and 156 workers in Watsonville (northern California). In both sites farm workers tended to be young Mexican males with low levels of education. Mobility out of agriculture was much higher in southern than northern California, possibly because the demand for farm labor is diminishing in southern California and there is a larger discrepancy in benefits and working conditions between farm and nonfarm sectors. Workers with more education (particularly U.S. education) and female workers were more likely to leave farm work or to bypass agriculture entirely, compared to less educated or male workers. There was no relationship between legal status of the worker and the decision to leave farm work, nor was legal status a barrier to nonfarm employment. This report contains many descriptive tables. (LP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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