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Autor/inHutchinson, Robert J.
TitelAn Annotated Bibliography of Journal Articles on the Subject of Native American Students with Special Needs, 1985-1992.
Quelle(1992), (129 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; American Indians; Annotated Bibliographies; Cognitive Style; Cultural Influences; Disabilities; Educational Methods; Elementary Secondary Education; Gifted; Handicap Identification; Health; Learning Disabilities; Periodicals; Program Development; Social Problems; Staff Development; Student Evaluation; Student Placement; Substance Abuse; Talent
AbstractThis project attempts to provide a comprehensive list of recently written, high quality journal articles relating to the subject of Native Americans and special education, handicapping conditions, social and medical issues that may contribute to handicapping conditions, and alternative teaching methods that can be used to help Native Americans in special education settings. The journal articles listed were published from 1985 to 1992. All articles were selected based on: (1) relevance to the subject of Native American students and special education, and (2) the article's possible value as a resource to school personnel and teachers of exceptional Native American students. Articles describing research done in Canada are included. The bibliography is divided into seven sections, covering the following topics: (1) assessment (referral, identification, and special education placement); (2) health issues (medical problems, psychological problems, and substance abuse); (3) learning handicaps; (4) gifted and talented Native Americans and the need for alternative methods of referral and assessment; (5) program development and personnel training; (6) culture/language issues; and (7) cognitive style. Conclusions are drawn about the state of the literature in each of the seven bibliography areas, and suggestions for future research are offered. An appendix lists descriptors used in an Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) search on this subject. (JDD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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