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Autor/inKoprowicz, Constance L.
InstitutionNational Conference of State Legislatures, Denver, CO.
TitelScience Education in the States: A Survey.
Quelle15 (1990) 16, (12 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBiology; Chemistry; Computer Uses in Education; Curriculum Development; Earth Science; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation; Financial Support; Inservice Teacher Education; Integrated Curriculum; Mathematics Education; Mentors; Middle Schools; Physical Sciences; Professional Development; Program Descriptions; Public Education; Science Education; Science Instruction; Space Sciences; State Action; State Departments of Education; State Programs; Telecommunications
AbstractIn January 1990, the National Conference of State Legislatures surveyed the curriculum directors at each state department of education regarding efforts to improve science education. Those surveyed were asked to list and describe statewide science education programs in the public schools and the involvement of state legislatures in creating and sustaining those programs. This report highlights the actions of nine states and the District of Columbia in this curriculum area, and provides brief descriptions of activities being implemented in all responding states (31 in all). The nine states included are: (1) California; (2) Colorado; (3) Kansas; (4) Kentucky; (5) Michigan; (6) New Hampshire; (7) New York; (8) Oregon; and (9) Rhode Island. A list of respondents at each state's Department of Education is also indexed. (KR)
AnmerkungenNCSL Book Order Dept., 1560 Broadway, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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