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Autor/inFahy, Patrick J.
TitelAdult Literacy Learning and Computer Technology: Features of Effective Computer-Assisted Learning Systems.
Quelle(1991), (27 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Programs; Adult Students; Competence; Competency Based Education; Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Software; Literacy Education; Program Development; Program Implementation; Teaching Methods
AbstractComputer-assisted learning (CAL) can be used for adults functioning at any academic or grade level. In adult basic education (ABE), CAL can promote greater learning effectiveness and faster progress, concurrent learning and experience with computer literacy skills, privacy, and motivation. Adults who face barriers (financial, geographic, personal, or motivational) affecting their attendance or progress and adults who prefer self-paced learning should be considered for CAL. For a CAL system to be successful, it should have features that make it relevant to adults, reliable, and effective. Competency-based learning principles, emphasizing careful determination of previous learning, the mastery of new concepts and skills, and retention through review, are recommended for courseware design. The use of competency-based learning principles implies a new role for the instructor as facilitator, motivator, and guide, rather than as dispenser of information. The focus on individual needs results in a more flexible environment, where problems with scheduling, interpersonal conflicts, and other barriers to the learning process are minimized. (Essential features of courseware, software, hardware, and vendor support for a CAL system are suggested, and a checklist is provided to assist adult educators to identify questions to be posed to vendors. There are 21 references.) (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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