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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionNew England Board of Higher Education, Boston, MA.
TitelBiomedical Research and Technology. A Prognosis for International Economic Leadership. Commission on Academic Medical Centers and the Economy of New England [Report].
Quelle(1988), (36 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBiomedicine; Educational Development; Educational Economics; Educational Finance; Federal Aid; Financial Support; Higher Education; Medical Research; Medical Schools; Regional Planning; Research and Development; School Business Relationship; Technological Advancement
AbstractThe focus of the work of the Commission on Academic Medical Centers and the Economy of New England is the financing competitors strength and future development of academic centers and biomedical companies in New England. Among the findings and recommendations of the Commission are the following: (1) the New England region will require several replacements for the maturing computer industry, and biomedical industries are a strong contender; federal belt-tightening trends now underway could weaken the critical mass of research that leads to new biomedical technology; and the commercialization of U.S. biomedical research is being pulled abroad to Japan and Western Europe. Among the recommendations are that: (1) greater foundation support should be provided for biomedical research projects; and (2) medical-related companies should provide graduate and post-doctoral training fellowships; (3) each New England state should create a biomedical development grant program; (4) the New England states should create their own small business innovation research program to fill the gaps in funding provided under the federal program; and (5) New England municipalities should adopt the model guidelines of regulations governing biotechnological research and manufacturing promulgated by NIH (National Institutes of Health). An appendix lists medical schools and their major affiliated teaching hospitals in New England. (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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