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Autor/inn/enElliott, Barbara; und weitere
InstitutionHastings Coll., NE.; Educational Service Unit #9, Hastings, NE.
TitelHandbook for Transition Planning and Implementation.
Quelle(1988), (171 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Agency Cooperation; Career Guidance; Curriculum Development; Disabilities; Education Work Relationship; Employment Potential; Evaluation Methods; Family Role; High Schools; Individualized Transition Plans; Job Analysis; Needs Assessment; On the Job Training; Program Evaluation; Rural Education; Transitional Programs; Vocational Education
AbstractThe handbook was developed as part of a 2-year grant which developed a rural transition model for handicapped students. It provides special education personnel with suggested guidelines for transitioning handicapped students into post-secondary employment and independent living environments. Part I provides an introduction to the transitional process and an overview of the handbook. Part II discusses creating opportunities and includes suggestions for developing an employment services orientation, steps in marketing planning, and implementing marketing strategies. Part III identifies steps in the transitional process including evaluating interests and expectations, identifying potential jobs, analyzing student skills, performing a job analysis, gaining access to adult interagency service providers, and developing a training curriculum. Part IV focuses on the Individual Transition Plan (ITP) with information on the notice of the ITP meeting, the ITP form, ITP related services, and potential barriers. Part V is on ensuring success through family involvement, school based vocational preparation, on-the-job training and feedback, and ongoing intersector support. Part VI is on evaluating outcomes through a self-survey and a longitudinal evaluation study. A glossary and references are also provided. Appendixes include a listing of key elements of transition, the release of liability form, the proof of insurance form, and the followup study. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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