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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enCharles, Dick; Saterfield, Harry
InstitutionFoothill Coll., Los Altos Hills, CA.
TitelMatriculation for 1988-1989, Phase II, the Second Year: On Our Way at Foothill College.
Quelle(1988), (24 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Standards; College Admission; College Attendance; College Planning; Community Colleges; Educational Counseling; Program Effectiveness; School Guidance; School Orientation; Student Evaluation; Student Personnel Services; Two Year Colleges
AbstractFoothill College's matriculation plan is composed of seven components, each with its own goals, staffing, hardware, planning activities, outcomes, and timelines. Though the college began to implement the plan in 1987, a number of the goals and activities will be only partially fulfilled in 1988-89. The goals of the admissions component are concerned with modifying the application requirements and processing procedures. The orientation component is focused on extending and revising the current orientation course for use with the entire campus community, while the goals of the skills assessment and evaluations component involve an expansion of services to day and evening students at on- and off-campus locations, and the provision of diagnostic and placement information to college staff. The counseling component is developing a number of ideas, including individual educational plans, an early alert system, and faculty-counselor training. The goals of the student progress follow-up component emphasize the development of a system to identify and notify students experiencing academic difficulties, contacting and offering appropriate services to students who have earned less than 30 units and/or have not declared an educational goal, and counseling students on academic probation. The institutional research component is concerned with measuring student achievement and the success of the matriculation plan. Finally, the coordination and training plan seeks to promote a shared understanding of the matriculation plan within the college community, identify staff development needs, and study the history of matriculation at the college. For each component, goals, staffing, and planned activities are enumerated in the progress report. (AJL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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