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Autor/inKojima, Hideo
TitelThe Influence of Western Philosophy and Theories of Psychology and Education on Contemporary Educational Theory and Practice in Japan. Final Report.
Quelle(1985), (131 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Area Studies; Comparative Education; Cross Cultural Studies; Cultural Context; Cultural Influences; Cultural Interrelationships; Educational Anthropology; Educational Theories; Foreign Countries; Philosophy; Psychology; Japan
AbstractThe successful educational and industrial systems in Japan are related to the social and historical condition of the country. A society that receives ideas and technology of education from other societies must go through the process of adoption, assimilation, and self-transformation. Students of society do not fully recognize the strengths and weaknesses of their own system of education. Therefore, it is a very fruitful endeavor to exchange ideas and views on educational processes and their outcomes, with full recognition of one's total social system before one embarks on the reformation of the present system. This paper includes: "Theories of Children and Their Nature,""The Goals of Child-rearing and Education,""Theory of Process and Method of Child-rearing and Education,""John Dewey's Pragmatism and Theory of Cognitive Development,""Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development,""Jerome Bruner's Cognitive Psychology,""Skinner's Instrumentalism and Other Stimulus-response Theories,""Bandura's Cognitive Social Learning Theory,""European and Soviet Pedagogy and Psychology,""Japanese View of the Developmental Process and Learning,""Japanese Methods of Teaching and Learning," and "Problems in Japanese Education." (Author/BZ)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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