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Autor/inByrd, Mark A.
InstitutionArkansas State Dept. of Higher Education, Little Rock.
TitelDegrees Granted and Program Production by Arkansas Institutions of Higher Education, 1983-84. Report 84-3.
Quelle(1985), (160 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Associate Degrees; Bachelors Degrees; College Graduates; Degrees (Academic); Doctoral Degrees; Educational Certificates; Higher Education; Majors (Students); Masters Degrees; Private Colleges; Public Colleges; State Colleges; Two Year Colleges; Arkansas
AbstractData on degrees conferred in 1983-1984 by the 32 higher education institutions in Arkansas are presented, along with a narrative description of trends. The data include second-summer, fall, spring, and first-summer terms. Total degrees granted in 1983-1984 fell by 2% from the previous year. At state-supported institutions, degrees granted as a whole dropped 3.7%, while the private institutions showed a considerable increase of 8.4%. The number of baccalaureate degrees conferred by Arkansas institutions rose by 2%; the associate-degree count declined by slightly over 12%, and the number of masters and first-professional degrees continued to decline. The number of educational certificates and doctoral degrees remained relatively steady. Tables include an institutional listing of certificates and degrees conferred at the associate, bachelors, masters, and doctoral levels; degrees granted by level and discipline; degrees by level and sector; and degrees for the specific state and private institutions. The tables also provide a cross reference for the four groups of institutions (state four-year, state two-year, private four-year, and private two-year). Included are trend data on degrees for 1979-1980 through 1983-1984. (SW)
AnmerkungenArkansas Department of Higher Education, 1301 West Seventh Street, Little Rock, AR 72201-2993.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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