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Autor/inCreutz, Alan
InstitutionSan Diego Community Coll. District, CA.
TitelAcademic/Instructional Computing in the Community and Junior College: Its Role and Its Institutional Implications.
Quelle(1984), (10 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; College Curriculum; Community Colleges; Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Literacy; Computer Oriented Programs; Computers; Curriculum Development; Educational Needs; Management Information Systems; Program Development; Two Year Colleges
AbstractWith the dramatic growth in the use of computers in recent years, questions have been raised concerning the role of computer education in community colleges. Four principal reasons can be advanced for implementing an academic/instructional computing program: (1) to increase computer awareness among students to prepare them for the growing number of jobs requiring familiarity with computers; (2) to improve instruction through computer-assisted delivery; (3) to optimize the use of resources through computer management in the areas of student testing, tracking, counseling, and curricular resource management; and (4) to develop computer and computer-related skills as part of an effective curriculum. Before implementing an academic/instructional computing program, a college should first develop faculty and staff awareness. Next, the institution's objectives should be defined, the role of computer-assisted instruction assessed, and the costs evaluated. Success in instituting such a program requires dynamic leadership, consistent support, and a large measure of institutional and individual self-confidence. If realistic objectives and sensitive strategies are developed, faculty and staff will take greater pride in their institution, and graduates will be better prepared for jobs and further education. (HB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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