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Autor/inn/enIwler, Irvin H.; und weitere
InstitutionPittsburgh Univ., PA. Dept. of Vocational Education.
TitelDeveloping In-Service Brochures Designed to Prepare the Vocational Educator Academically and Attitudinally to Work with Handicapped Students. Final Report.
Quelle(1983), (76 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Classroom Techniques; Disabilities; Educational Resources; Emotional Disturbances; Hearing Impairments; Inservice Teacher Education; Instructional Materials; Learning Disabilities; Mainstreaming; Material Development; Mental Retardation; Pamphlets; Physical Disabilities; Secondary Education; Teaching Methods; Visual Impairments; Vocational Education; Vocational Education Teachers
AbstractA project developed six inservice brochures and a summary booklet that defined the handicapped conditions that affect vocational students in an effort to increase vocational educators' awareness of what it is like to be a special student. The brochures also identify how students with specific handicaps learn and illustrate the techniques and strategies needed to teach special students. Consultants from special education and vocational education also identified the modifications in curriculum, facilities, equipment, and teaching strategies needed to help special students succeed in the classroom. This information and helpful state and local special needs resource agencies were also included in the brochures. The six brochures and summary booklet are appended. The brochures provide information on identifying the handicapped student, teaching strategies, and a list of additional sources of help for emotionally handicapped, hearing impaired, learning disabled, mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, and visually impaired students. The summary booklet, "The Student with Special Needs; a Guide for Vocational Educators," tells how to identify students with specific handicaps, suggests teaching strategies, and lists additional resources. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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