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Sonst. PersonenAyers, J. Douglas (Hrsg.)
InstitutionVictoria Univ. (British Columbia).; Correctional Service of Canada, Ottawa (Ontario).; Canadian Association for Adult Education, Toronto (Ontario).
TitelThe National Conference on Prison Education. Its Role and Practice in the Modern Penitentiary. Proceedings (Victoria, BC, October 13-15, 1981).
Quelle(1981), (427 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Stellungnahme; Adult Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Vocational Education; Cognitive Development; Conferences; Correctional Education; Curriculum; Ethical Instruction; Females; Fine Arts; Literacy Education; Models; Moral Development; Prisoners; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; School Role; Womens Education; Workshops; Alaska; Canada
AbstractThese proceedings contain 31 presentations from a conference on the role and practice of education in prisons. The three papers in part 1, Setting the Stage, examine the roles of education and prisons in society from historical and philosophical viewpoints. Panel presentations in part 2, Developing an Educational Model, offer three perspectives on prison education. A summary of small group discussions, questions, and commentary, and a paper supporting a liberal type of prison education follow. The third part, Evaluating Prison Programs, is a symposium. The principal paper proposing an evaluation system is followed by two discussions, questions, and commentary. Part 4 contains four presentations from evaluation workshops that (1) outline Stufflebeam's CIPP (Content, Input, Process, or Product) model and illustrate its use; (2) review problems of conducting evaluations in prisons and provide some evaluations; (3) summarize a task force report on measuring performance as a database for program evaluation, and (4) review literature supporting the effectiveness of cognitive developmental programs. The 13 workshop presentations in part 5 focus on curriculum. Four papers deal with moral development, two with cognitive development, three with the Alaska Experiment, and four with various topics--women's programs, vocational programs, fine arts, and literacy. A conference overview concludes the proceedings. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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