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Autor/inn/enThornton, L. Jay; und weitere
InstitutionPennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Div. of Occupational and Vocational Studies.
TitelClustered Construction Trades Reading Strategies. 1981 Vocational Reading Series.
Quelle(1981), (190 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Building Trades; Case (Grammar); Cloze Procedure; Content Area Reading; Corrective Reading; Directed Reading Activity; Informal Assessment; Integrated Activities; Job Skills; Learning Activities; Learning Problems; Postsecondary Education; Readability; Readability Formulas; Reading Comprehension; Reading Difficulties; Reading Skills; Study Skills; Teaching Guides; Trade and Industrial Education; Vocabulary Skills; Vocational Education
AbstractClustered Construction Trades Reading Strategies is one of four instructional guides developed to assist teachers working with students considered disadvantaged because of reading deficiency. Section 1 concerns readability and gives procedures and guidelines for collecting samples. Section 2 briefly describes the Cloze procedure and its usefulness as a reading test and teaching technique. Informal assessment is the focus of section 3. Three informal assessments with sample answer sheets and suggested-approximate answers are provided. Section 4 is an introduction to the guide (sections 5-10) which offers ideas and procedures for integrating reading skills with the occupational content (vocational textbook). Sections 5-8 each present a set of content reading skills: vocabulary skills, comprehension skills (paragraph), comprehension skills (recognizing and recording complex information), and study/reading skills. Each skill is divided into segments requiring 5-20 minutes of class time for introduction and practice. Homework uses text assignments normally required. Each section introduces a skill, uses a variety of vocational examples to clarify it, provides exercises to apply and master the skill, and offers teaching suggestions. Section 8 also includes a section on suggested reinforcement activities. Section 9 offers guidelines for making a reading assignment. Section 10 makes further suggestions for reading skills development. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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