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InstitutionPennsylvania Economy League, Inc., Harrisburg, State Div.
TitelHigher Education and the Economy: A Survey of the Impact on Pennsylvania Economy of Its Colleges and Universities. The Statement Impacts.
Quelle(1981), (68 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Capital; College Students; Comparative Analysis; Degrees (Academic); Economic Climate; Educational Benefits; Educational Economics; Employment Opportunities; Enrollment Trends; Expenditures; Government School Relationship; Higher Education; Investment; Private Colleges; School Business Relationship; School Community Relationship; School Personnel; School Surveys; State Colleges; State Surveys; Two Year Colleges; Pennsylvania
AbstractThe economic impact in Pennsylvania of its degree-granting colleges and universities was studied in 1979-80. Information was compiled from existing published sources, and by questioning officials at 125 two-year and four-year accredited degree-granting colleges and universities. The economic impacts in their respective communities of individual colleges and universities were measured by a series of case studies conducted by volunteering institutions. The impact of an institution as a consumer is examined in relation to: institutional expenditures, faculty and staff expenditures, student expenditures, direct support employees, and total expenditures. The impact of the institutions as an employer is examined in relation to: institutional employment, direct support employees, multiplier effects on Pennsylvania employment and income; total higher education-related employment, and total higher education-related payroll. The impact of an institution as a property owner and as an investor, and other impacts of institutions of higher education also are assessed. Additional information includes: higher education enrollments, number of degrees granted, and current-funds revenues of all Pennsylvania institutions of higher education. In order to place higher education in Pennsylvania in a national perspective, comparisons are made with 10 relatively large or contiguous states, as well as with national averages. Among these states, Pennsylvania in 1978 had the third largest number of institutions and branches of higher education, representing 5.8 percent of the nation's total. Information also is presented on: the migration rate for out-of-state students enrolling in Pennsylvania's institutions, the participation rate in higher education for persons in the 18-to-24 age bracket, and the growth rate for current-funds revenues. A sample questionnaire is appended. (SW)
AnmerkungenPennsylvania Economy League, Inc., State Division, 105 North Front Street, P.O. Box 105, Harrisburg, PA 17108.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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