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Autor/inn/enHiggs, Theodore V.; Clifford, Ray
TitelThe Push Toward Communication.
Quelle(1982), (23 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Achievement Rating; Communicative Competence (Languages); Curriculum Development; Language Proficiency; Language Skills; Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Speech Skills; Student Educational Objectives
AbstractThe pervasive notion of communicative competence has all too often been translated in terms of an instructional goal as minimum communicative competence. The second language learner who is actually preparing to function at a relatively high level of sophistication in the target language culture is not benefitted by reliance on paralinguistic strategies, a large vocabulary at the expense of grammar skills, or the aid of a sympathetic listener. This observation may be illustrated by reference to the five skill levels of oral proficiency which characterize the Foreign Service Institute rating. Instructional methods which emphasize acquisition of vocabulary and neglect grammatical structures tend to produce the "terminal 2," who research says is cognitively incapable of later acquiring the necessary grammar to come closer to native-speaker competence. In actuality, the proportion of different skills (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, and sociolinguistic) that contribute to a speaker's competence may be shown to differ from one level of global proficiency to another, with all skills approximately converging at the native speaker (5) level. Curricula should allow for progression among all levels, not only providing immediate vocabulary needs, but anticipating the other skills that become increasingly important as the student moves toward true proficiency. (JB)
AnmerkungenNot available separately; see FL 012 669.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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