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InstitutionSalt Lake City School District, UT.
TitelResource Vocational Program. Salt Lake City School District. 1979-80 Summary Report.
Quelle(1980), (100 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Development; Career Education; Career Exploration; Career Guidance; Disabilities; Employment Potential; Interpersonal Competence; Job Placement; Job Skills; Mainstreaming; Mild Disabilities; Program Evaluation; Resource Room Programs; Secondary Education; Socialization; Student Characteristics; Summative Evaluation; Vocational Education
AbstractThis summary evaluation report is a short synopsis of the first-year activities of the Resource Vocational Program, which provided career development and vocational education--employability development--services in the least restrictive environment to a group of mild to moderate handicapped youth. A brief description outlines scope and four major components of this program, which was located at two high schools in the Salt Lake City School District: career awareness, employment skills, vocational training, and placement. Other sections discuss identification of clients served and student characteristics and describe programs of a similar nature that are operating locally and throughout the country. A report from an independent internal evaluator describing the function of the program is summarized. The concluding section contains a brief summary statement highlighting the program's major accomplishments, a future perspective where problems are, and programming strategies to resolve these problems for the next operating year. Appendixes, amounting to over one-half of the report, include (1) definitions of handicapping conditions; (2) a report on the structure and changes of the program, whose title was changed to Special Vocational Services Project for the next operation year; (3) the independent internal evaluator's report in its entirety; and (4) participating student characteristics in detail. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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