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InstitutionOhio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.; Naval Diving and Salvaging School, Washington, DC.
TitelMilitary Curricula for Vocational & Technical Education. Diver Second Class, 15-3.
Quelle(1976), (2019 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Behavioral Objectives; Course Descriptions; Curriculum Guides; Equipment Maintenance; Equipment Utilization; First Aid; High Schools; Learning Activities; Meteorology; Navigation; Physical Fitness; Postsecondary Education; Seafarers; Skilled Occupations; Teaching Guides; Team Training; Trade and Industrial Education; Welding; Workbooks
AbstractThis curriculum outline, student guide, and instructor guide for a secondary-postsecondary-level course in scuba diving (diver second class) is one of a number of military-developed curriculum packages selected for adaptation to vocational instruction and curriculum development in a civilian setting. Purpose stated for the 425-hour course is to provide training necessary to perform operational activities and maintain open circuit scuba surface supplied air diving equipment and related accessories/equipment as a member of a team. The plan of instruction suggests number of lessons and hours of classroom and laboratory time for twelve units: Physical Conditioning, Diving Physics, Medical Aspects of Diving, Open Circuit Scuba Diving, Diving Orientation, Underwater Basic, Underwater Advanced, Lightweight Diving, Underwater Tools, Underwater Cutting and Welding, Diving Equipment Repair, and Hyperbaric Chamber. The curriculum outline describes objectives and lesson duration and lists equipment needs and references. Contents of the student guide include objectives and information, assignment, job, and notetaking sheets. The instructor guide contains objectives, outline of instruction, and student and instructor activities. An additional military diving manual is recommended with the note that it may be obtained from the Government Printing Office. The course could be used in a group situation or adapted for individual study. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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