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Autor/inFroomkin, Joseph
TitelHow to Relieve the Effects of the Demographic Downturn: Some Policy Alternatives.
Quelle(1979), (11 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Stellungnahme; Adult Students; College Attendance; College Graduates; Educational Trends; Employment Opportunities; Enrollment Projections; Higher Education; Labor Market; Lifelong Learning; Preschool Education
AbstractJob prospects for college graduates in the face of demographic decline is discussed, including likely increases in opportunities for teachers and maintenance of the status quo for government agency staffs. The following possible ways to alleviate the misallocation between education and job opportunities are examined: (1) the possibility of increasing enrollments, so as to use some of the educated labor force either as teachers or as students, and (2) government intervention to create jobs for at least a small segment of the highly educated persons. The likeliest places to increase enrollments are at the nursery school level and among the adult population. However, there are good reasons why efforts to increase preschool attendance rates are not likely to be successful. There is little prospect of increasing the enrollment rates of children between the ages of 5 and 17. Because of worsening employment prospects for college graduates in the early 1970s, college students chose to minimize their investment in a college education, and many students now attend college part-time and work concurrently. A rapid increase in the numbers of adults attending college is not likely. One group that will face bleak prospects for jobs in the new decade is new Ph.D.s. One innovation that may have an effect on the problem is for schools to play a role in supplementing apprenticeship programs through instruction, as is the case in Europe. It is concluded that the retraining of teachers or their updating about developments in their fields should rank high on the educational agenda, and that higher education institutions need to devise special arrangements for part-time students. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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