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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enGuthrie, John T.; und weitere
InstitutionPittsburgh Univ., PA. Learning Research and Development Center.
TitelImpacts of Instructional Time in Reading.
Quelle(1976), (71 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Compensatory Education; Conference Reports; Elementary Education; Grade 2; Grade 6; Learning; Performance Factors; Reading Achievement; Reading Instruction; Reading Research; Remedial Programs; Remedial Reading; Scheduling; Socioeconomic Status; Teaching Methods; Time Factors (Learning)
AbstractQuestionnaires were sent to principals and teachers of second and sixth grade children who were part of an Educational Testing Service (ETS) study of compensatory reading programs; the data were combined and analyzed with the original ETS data to determine what effects instructional characteristics had on reading achievement. Within the constraints posed by the particular procedures used, instructional characteristics of reading programs were found to have an impact on reading achievement. The time spent in formal reading instruction is a particular variable that is likely to increase reading achievement. Specifically, the impact of time on achievement was greater for second graders than for sixth graders, for low socioeconomic status children than for middle or high socioeconomic status children, and in compensatory rather than regular reading programs. The types of instructional emphases (teaching specific skills) had less impact on achievement than instructional time did. (Discussion following presentation of the paper is included.) (RL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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