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Autor/inn/enBaumheier, Edward C.; und weitere
InstitutionDenver Univ., CO. Denver Research Inst.
TitelIndian Child Welfare: A State-of-the-Field Study.
Quelle(1976), (430 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccountability; Adopted Children; Agency Cooperation; Agency Role; Alaska Natives; American Indian Reservations; American Indians; Boarding Schools; Child Welfare; Community Involvement; Contracts; Court Litigation; Cultural Influences; Federal Government; Federal Legislation; Financial Support; Foster Children; Government Role; Individual Power; Legal Problems; Legal Responsibility; Literature Reviews; Needs Assessment; Placement; Policy Formation; Program Development; Relevance (Education); Social Services; State Action; Surveys; Tribes
AbstractThe present state of American Indian child welfare was investigated via: a review of published and unpublished literature; an analysis of legislation, regulations, manuals, and other documents concerning Federal and state Indian child welfare; mail surveys in 22 states with substantial Indian populations; field interviews at 19 sites, including 12 reservation sites, 4 urban Indian communities, 1 terminated tribe, 1 in Oklahoma, and 1 in Alaska; case studies of programs of particular significance based on interviews and documents; and a mail survey focusing on graduate social work programs. The four major types of agencies responsible for providing child welfare services to Indians were the state-county social service systems, Federal service system, Indian-run agencies, and private non-Indian agencies. Of these, the state-county social service systems and the Federal service system were the most active. Barriers to the provision of Indian child welfare services included: failure of state courts and institutions to recognize tribal court orders; the licensing of institutions; interagency relationships; the reluctance of many states to take into account the special problems of providing services to Indians; the lack of Indian involvement; the distance between county welfare offices and Indian reservations; and failure to understand tribal cultures and to foster programs operated by tribal governments. (NQ)
AnmerkungenCenter for Social Research & Development, Spruce Hall, Room 21, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado 80208 (#56, $16.50)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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