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Autor/inHoule, Cyril O.
InstitutionColumbia Univ., New York, NY. Teachers College.
TitelThe Public Library's Role in Non-Traditional Study. Commissioned Papers Project, Teachers College, No. 6.
Quelle(1974), (119 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Educational Strategies; Institutional Cooperation; Library Extension; Library Role; Lifelong Learning; Nontraditional Education; Public Libraries; Public Relations; Publicize
AbstractThe public library is part of a large and complex network of institutions which provide nontraditional, continuing education to adults. Attempts have been made to ally these institutions in a single coordinated approach to community-based education, the ideal being a "communiversity"--a federation of all the educational and cultural forces of a community to serve all age levels. The public library has a long tradition of informal adult education, based on three differenct conceptions of its service role: (1) the full spectrum view, which holds that the library should provide a full range of educational services; (2) the elitist view, which would concentrate service on the educated population; (3) and the activist view, which feels that the public library should take the initiative for the improvement of the community or its residents. From these three conceptions many modes of educational service have been devised. The key problem of the public library as an educational institution is that many librarians, and most citizens, do not realize that it is a center of learning. Librarians, through improvement of their own programs and more active collaboration with other institutions, can alter this picture. (SL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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