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Autor/inPeterson, Terrance
InstitutionAmerican Friends Service Committee, Columbia, SC. South Carolina Community Relations Program.
TitelA Curriculum to Assist Parents to Become Advocates for Improved Title I, ESEA Programs and Other Related Programs.
Quelle(1972), (22 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdvisory Committees; Attitude Change; Cognitive Processes; Compensatory Education; Curriculum Development; Educational Attitudes; Parent Education; Parent Participation; Parent Workshops; Problem Solving; Program Administration; Program Development; Self Concept; Training; South Carolina
AbstractThe purpose of this curriculum is to increase the skills and self confidence of 20 to 30 parents who reside in "economically disadvantaged" school districts to the extent that they will become more active in seeking improvements in the 1965 Elementary Secondary Education Act Title I and other compensatory education programs in their school and school district. The emphasis of the curriculum is to provide a setting where parents can assimilate the necessary background information about Title I and related programs. Of equal or even greater importance will be the processes of analysis, synthesis, and problem solving. Activities that improve self-concept are also very important. Learning activities and settings will, therefore, be provided to involve the participants in comparing, analyzing, and developing solutions to real problems. At least 20 parents who have children in a Title I, E.S.E.A. program will be recruited. Five will be on the Title I Council to participate in the training program in the selected school district(s). Workshops will be organized and publicized. The workshop program will be organized in six modules. The training modules can be used in any school district where parents request them. (Author/JM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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