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Autor/inFox, Robert S.
InstitutionNational Training Labs. Inst. for Applied Behavioral Science, Washington, DC.
TitelAn Examination of Support Systems in Selected Follow-Through Schools.
Quelle(1971), (313 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCooperative Planning; Economically Disadvantaged; Educational Programs; Educational Research; Educational Sociology; Elementary Education; Guides; Interviews; Parent Participation; Program Evaluation; Projects; School Community Relationship; School Support; Staff Role; Systems Analysis; Training Methods; Volunteer Training
AbstractA study of the effectiveness of various support systems of program models in Follow-Through schools examines those characteristics of a support system that strengthen or weaken the program's potential for success. Exploration of the nature of support system variables in a sample of schools is accomplished through group interview techniques for data-gathering. Researchers create a procedure for diagnosing some of the problems with regard to the manner in which these variables are managed and identify or create a set of training activities and designs which have potential value in strengthening support systems in Follow Through programs. These training ideas are organized into a resource manual for further field testing by the participating schools. (Author/SHM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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