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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionBureau of Adult, Vocational, and Technical Education (DHEW/OE), Washington, DC.
TitelCurriculum Materials for "Trade and Industrial Occupations." Annotated Listing of Materials Available from Public Education Agencies.
[Report No.: BAVTE-71-(TI)
Quelle(1971), (113 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnnotated Bibliographies; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Guides; Instructional Materials; Public Education; Resource Materials; State Curriculum Guides; Trade and Industrial Education; Vocational Education
AbstractThis annotated listing of curriculum materials for Trade and Industrial Occupations provides planners, administrators, vocational educators, and others with information as to available curriculum materials developed by the various States. The materials are identified with the instructional titles and codes from the classification system of the Office of Education, which are refined to include one or more related subtitles with appropriate codes. The curriculum materials in this listing concern the following subject areas: Air Conditioning; Appliance Repair; Automotive Services; Aviation Occupations; Business Machine Maintenance; Commercial Art Occupations; Commercial Photography Occupations; Construction and Maintenance Trades; Custodial Services; Diesel Mechanic; Drafting; Electrical Occupations; Electronics Occupations; Fabric Maintenance Services; Foremanship, Supervision, and Management Development; Graphic Arts Occupations; Maritime Occupations; Metalworking; Metallurgy; Personal Services; Public Service Occupations; Quantity Food Occupations; Small Engine Repair, Internal Combustion; Stationary Energy Sources Occupations; Textile Production and Fabrication; Upholstering; Woodworking Occupations; and Trade and Industrial Occupations, Other. Occupational resource material that applies to all vocational areas is listed under Administrator's Student's Teacher's Resource. Instructions for ordering are given. (For related documents, see ED 057 269-274). (DB)
AnmerkungenRequests for materials should be sent to the appropriate State source
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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