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Autor/inWright, David E., Jr.
TitelOccupational Orientations of Mexican American Youth in Selected Texas Counties.
Quelle(1968), (167 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAchievement Need; College Preparation; Educational Research; Grade 10; Mexican Americans; Poverty; Rural Population; Sociology; Texas
AbstractResearch was conducted to determine the occupational orientations and aspirations of a sample of Mexican American high school sophomore students from schools in 2 selected Southwest Texas counties and 2 selected South Texas counties. Data were gathered in May, 1967, by means of group interviews in selected schools. Interviews were conducted by graduate students who read each stimulus question aloud as the respondents answered the question. Questionnaires were completed by 669 of the 765 sophomores enrolled in the selected schools at the time of the interview. The primary concern of the study was to provide descriptive information; therefore, no tests of statistical difference were employed. It was concluded that a large number of the Mexican American youth in the study desired high-level occupations, and a major policy implication was that these youth needed adequate preparation which they were not receiving to prepare them for the occupational goals they preferred. A related document is RC 000 984. (VM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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