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Autor/inShetler, Donald J.
InstitutionMusic Educators National Conference, Washington, DC.
TitelFilm Guide for Music Educators.
Quelle(1968), (93 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAudiovisual Aids; Catalogs; Filmstrips; Instructional Films; Instructional Materials; Music; Music Education
AbstractThe music oriented films and filmstrips in this catalog were produced for use on instructional, educational, or commercial television, or were designed to be used in a specific area and at a specific level of music teaching. Many of the listings should be of interest to teachers of general music at the secondary school level. Two indices are provided for locating desired films and filmstrips in the guide. One contains an alphabetical title listing. The second is a simple, topical index with listings under nine broad topics including Musical Performance, Histories of Music and Biographies, Band, Orchestra, the Teaching of Music, Visual Interpretation of Music, Acoustics, Music as a Career, and Music Festivals. From these indices the user is referred by page to a short description of each film. These descriptions contain a production or distribution source; date of release, when available; type, black and white or color; length; series title, where applicable; and a short content analysis including performers, music performed, subject matter, and production data. A bibliography of audiovisual books and periodicals likely to contain information on instructional media and materials, and a listing of current addresses of film distributors and producers having additional film and purchase rate information are included. (MT)
AnmerkungenMusic Educators National Conference, A Department of the National Education Assn., 1201 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 ($2.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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