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Sonst. PersonenDevlin, Brian Clive (Hrsg.); Kinslow-Harris, Joy (Hrsg.); Friedman Devlin, Nancy Regine (Hrsg.); Harris, Jane Elizabeth (Hrsg.)
TitelStephen Harris - writer, educator, anthropologist.
Kantriman Blanga Melabat (Our Countryman). 1st ed. 2022.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Nature Singapore (2022), XXI, 314 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 37
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-16-8647-4; 978-981-16-8648-1; 978-981-16-8649-8; 978-981-16-8650-4
SchlagwörterBildung; Erziehung; Bildungssoziologie; Kind; Soziolinguistik; Schreib- und Lesefähigkeit; Alphabetisierung
AbstractThis book documents the impact of Stephen Harris's works in Aboriginal education, Aboriginal learning styles, domains of language use and bilingual-bicultural education. It provides a summary and critique of Stephen Harris's key ideas, particularly those on bilingual-bicultural education. This book also profiles the man, his background, his beliefs and talents. It showcases contributions and personal reflections from Stephen's family, wife, close colleagues, and many of those influenced by his work. This festschrift explores the professional life and work of Stephen Harris as an educator and anthropologist who worked in the Northern Territory of Australia. Contents: Introduction -- PART A -- 1 An overview of the life of Stephen Harris -- 2 From start to finish: a man of many parts -- 3 Nomo munanga; main kantrimen ('Not a White person, but one belonging to my land and my people') -- 4 Language and belonging: the gift of a childhood with Aboriginal people -- 5 Stephen Harris: heritage and legacy -- 6 Some personal and professional reminiscences -- PART B -- 7 Our professional collaboration over the years -- 8 An exchange of correspondence focused on the interdependence hypothesis -- 9 My professional recollections -- 10 Different roles, similar goals: Devlin & Harris, 1978-2020 -- 11 Opening the door to a new understanding of Aboriginal learning styles -- 12 Stephen as a mentor, colleague and friend. -- 13 Memories of a friend and colleague -- 14 Reminiscences from an Aboriginal scholar and former student -- 15 Still ahead of his time -- 16 Stephen Harris and the domain separation debate -- 17 An exploration of some issues -- PART C -- 18 A brief history of linguistics in the Northern Territory -- 19 A letter to school staff in the north-west of South Australia -- 20 Carving out domains for the use of a re-awakening language -- 21 A poetic tribute -- 22 Bibliography of Stephen Harris's published and unpublished work -- Index.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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