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Autor/inReis, Marga
TitelDt. finden und "subjektive Bedeutung".
QuelleIn: Linguistische Berichte, (2013) 236, S. 389-426Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEmpirische Forschung; Deutsch; Pragmatik (Ling); Verb; Bedeutung
AbstractThis paper is about German finden as a subjective attitude verb (Sue findet, dass das gut ist / Sue findet das gut), about which the author aims to find out in what sense it has 'subjective meaning', and how this meaning is rooted in its lexial properties. Based on an intensive discussion of Saebo's (2009) influential analysis, the author argues, contra Saebo, that finden's subjectivity is not exclusively rooted in the complement let alone identifiable with semantic judge-variance of the complement predicates. Rather, finden itself is crucially involved in that it projects (i) the presupposition that there is an eventuality known to the finden subject, which is under debate and open to interpretation, (ii) a reading of the complement proposition as an interpretation of this eventuality selected by the finden subject from a set of interpretational alternatives; it is with this selection process that the finden specific subjectivity is to be identified. The author cites a number of arguments for these claims (summed up in (H1)), backing them up by pragmatic considerations (summed up in (H2)). Finally, she shows that the syntactic form of the finden complement as a finite vs. small clause construction correlates with selectional differences, for which she offers a speculative explanation. (Verlag, adapt.).
Erfasst vonInformationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung, Marburg
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