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Autor/inNeave, Guy R.
TitelInternationalisation, Regionalisation and choosing the Community to serve.
Or, in the Ballet of the Knowledge Economy, should the University attempt the Grand Ecart?
QuelleIn: Das Hochschulwesen, 51 (2003) 4, S. 130-134Infoseite zur ZeitschriftVerfügbarkeit 
BeigabenAbbildungen 1; Literaturangaben 13
Spracheenglisch; deutsche Zusammenfassung; englische Zusammenfassung
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterStandort; Internationalisierung; Mobilität; Globalisierung; Hochschule; Integration; Welt; Europäische Union; Ausländer; Student; Deutschland; Europa; Hessen; Kassel
AbstractNo-one in the 20 or more disciplines or analytical perpectives - the instruments of scholarship which the study of Higher Education has mustered around it (Becher, 1998) - will contest in the slightest the seminal role the Research Centre for Higher Education and Labour Market Studies at the University of Kassel plays in our domain. It has been in the Hurricanes Eye during what undoubtedly has been the most significant three decades in the long history of the universities in Europe. The Centre remains in that interesting but perilous locus, protected by an Olympian calm, bolstered by a scholarly rigour that have contributed immeasurably to the way ment to the many changes these three decades have places before it. This the Centre does by a production in which quantity and quality march with the same unfaltering step. One of the many contributions it has made and sustained over the years has, not surprisingly, involved aspects of Internationalisation. The Centre has plotted, monitored, analysed and brought to public notice one of those rare and unique features that Europe has brought to the unending saga of institutional mobilization, not least in its evaluation of the ERASMUS programme and its successors. (HoF/text adopted).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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