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Sonst. PersonenHancock, Stephen D. (Hrsg.); Warren, Chezare A. (Hrsg.)
TitelWhite women's work.
Examining the intersectionality of teaching, identity, and race.
QuelleCharlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing, Inc. (2017), XIII, 206 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheContemporary perspectives on access, equity, and achievement
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781681236476; 9781681236483; 9781681236490 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; Women teachers, White; United States; Multicultural education; White people; Race identity; Sexism in education; Race awareness; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction : white women's work? : unpacking its meaning and significance for the contemporary schooling of diverse youth / Chezare A. Warren and Stephen D. Hancock -- Roadblock in the mirror : recommendations for overcoming the cultural disability of whiteness in non-white educational spaces / Benterah C. Morton, Melvin J. Jackson, Marcie E. Frazier, and Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner -- Precarious and undeniable bodies : control, waste, and danger in the lives of a white teacher and her students of color / Angela C. Coffee, Erin Stutelberg, Colleen H. Clements, and Timothy J. Lensmire -- Double image, single identity : constructive academic relationships in multiethnic classrooms / Stephen D. Hancock -- Doing whiteness in the classroom : white liberal pedagogy and the impossibility of antiracist subjectivity / Amy Brown and Naomi Reed -- "Becky please!" : white teachers and their issues with whiteness / Cheryl Matias and Naomi Nishi -- The murky and mediated experience of white identities in early childhood / Erin Miller -- "Nice white ladies" : race, whiteness, and the preparation of more culturally responsive teachers / Chezare A. Warren and Lloyd Matthew Talley -- The evidence of things not seen? : race, pedagogies of discipline, and white women teachers / Kevin Lawrence Henry, Jr. and Chezare A. Warren.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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