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Autor/inn/enEidelman, L.; Hazzan, O.
TitelSectoral and Gender-Wise Analysis of the Choice of Computer Science Studies in Israeli High Schools
QuelleIn: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 27 (2008) 4, S.391-422 (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; High School Students; Jews; Computer Science; Statistical Analysis; Course Selection (Students); Gender Differences; Females; Arabs; Womens Education; Disproportionate Representation; Questionnaires; Interviews; Observation; Decision Making; Self Efficacy; Student Interests; Student Attitudes; Outcomes of Education; Racial Differences; Teacher Influence; Teacher Competencies; Advanced Courses; Israel
AbstractWorldwide surveys indicate that the number of women studying undergraduate-level Computer Science is constantly decreasing. Based on data collected in Israel, significant differences were found in the percentages of female high school students studying advanced-level Computer Science among different sectors. More specifically, while the percentage of female high school students studying advanced-level Computer Science is about 50% for the Arab minority sector, the percentage of female students studying Computer Science at the same level among the Jewish majority sector is only about 25%. This situation was investigated by using both qualitative and quantitative research tools. The paper analyzes this situation within the model of "achievement-related choices" developed by Eccles and her colleagues. (Contains 15 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAssociation for the Advancement of Computing in Education. P.O. Box 1545, Chesapeake, VA 23327-1545. Tel: 757-366-5606; Fax: 703-997-8760; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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