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Autor/inn/enBeasley, Robert E.; Waugh, Michael E.
TitelThe Effects of Content-Structure Focusing on Learner Structural Knowledge Acquisition, Retention, and Disorientation in a Hypermedia Environment.
QuelleIn: Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 28 (1996) 3, S.271-81Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterComputer Assisted Instruction; Computer Software Development; Correlation; Courseware; Higher Education; Hypermedia; Hypothesis Testing; Learning Processes; Multivariate Analysis; Predictor Variables; Retention (Psychology); Undergraduate Students
AbstractDescribes a study of 61 undergraduates that investigated the effects of hypermedia content-structure focusing on learner's structural knowledge acquisition, retention, and disorientation. Use of a Completely Randomized Multivariate Analysis of Variance design for hypothesis testing is explained and implications for hypermedia design are discussed. (Author/LRW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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