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Autor/inn/envan Wyk, Norman; Johnston, Kevin; Möller, Klaus; Haas, Florian
TitelDeveloping an IT Course for Emerging Technologies Using a Framework -- An Example of an IoT Course V1.0
Quelle(2020), (29 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (van Wyk, Norman)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterInformation Science Education; Information Technology; College Faculty; Guidelines; Instructional Design; Teaching Methods; Models; Teacher Attitudes; Learning Theories; Taxonomy; Constructivism (Learning); Online Courses; Brain Hemisphere Functions; Educational Technology; Course Content; Cross Cultural Studies; Foreign Countries; College Students; Student Attitudes; Germany; Netherlands; South Africa; Norway
AbstractAim/Purpose: Academics are often requested to create and teach courses for emerging technologies with perhaps no experience or guidance on how to do so. Background: A Framework to develop IT courses for emerging technologies was created and tested to assist academics; the framework was then tested by developing an IoT course. Methodology: A literature review was conducted to discover theories, models and methods that could be used in the creation of IT courses, followed by interviews with academics who had created many courses. The interviews were analysed using a thematic analysis process, and a Course Development Framework was created. Contribution: The framework was tested by using it to build and deliver an IoT course. The Framework could be used to support academics who have to create and develop courses for emerging technologies. Findings: By combining a learning theory such as constructivism, the ADDIE Instructional design model, ARCS-V Motivational model, and Bloom's Taxonomy, a Course Development Framework was constructed, which could be used to support academics who have to create courses for emerging technologies. Recommendations for Practitioners: The Course Development Framework could be used to develop other IT courses including online courses. Recommendations for Researchers: Future research could be conducted in the effectiveness of using the Course Development Framework to develop other courses including online courses. Impact on Society: Support academics to develop better IT courses for emerging technologies. Future Research: Research in the field of Brain Compatible Learning Principles and combining or using it with the Framework could provide further insights into advancements in course design and development. [This paper was published in: M. Jones (Ed.), "Proceedings of InSITE 2020: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference" (pp. 15-45). Informing Science Institute.] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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