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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inCristol, Dean S.
InstitutionBowling Green State Univ., OH. Coll. of Education.
TitelSchool-to-Work Collaboration: University and Public Schools.
Quelle(1998), (60 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterArt Education; Business Education; Citizenship Education; College Role; College School Cooperation; Consumer Education; Curriculum Development; Developmental Disabilities; Education Work Relationship; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Integrated Curriculum; Mathematics Instruction; Middle Schools; Music Education; Partnerships in Education; Public Schools; School Community Relationship; Special Education; Teacher Education; Vocational Education; Vocational Education Teachers; Work Experience Programs; Ohio (Toledo)
AbstractThis document contains six papers from a collaborative school-to-work project during which teacher education faculty at Bowling Green State University worked with faculty and staff at Washington Local Schools in Toledo, Ohio, to infuse school-to-work activities within the context of each participating teacher's content area. "Employability Skills" (Kathy Siebenaler Wilson, Sue Cooper, Laurie Gyurko, Meg Smith) demonstrates the integration of business education and school-to-work at the secondary level. Efforts to develop a curriculum integrating career and mathematics objectives are described in "Careers and Math" (Ginny Keen, Linda Hoover). "Consumer Education and Printmaking" (Rosalie H. Politsky, Douglas Dury) explains how two art educators integrated consumer education and printmaking at the secondary level. "No Such Thing as a Free Lunch: Building Citizenship through a School Store" (Cassaundra El-Amin, Roxanne Ward) reports on an integrative approach to building citizenship in a student-run school store in a third-grade classroom. A program connecting the art of making music with the business of music for secondary students is examined in "Arts and Communication & Business and Management" (Isabel Barbara O'Hagin, Brad Sharp). "Skill Development for Community-Based Jobs: Activities for Developmentally Handicapped Students" (Sean Smith, Paula Maier) profiles a program providing community-based jobs to developmentally handicapped secondary students. (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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