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InstitutionHenrico County Public Schools, Glen Allen, VA. Virginia Vocational Curriculum and Resource Center.
TitelEngineering, Trade, and Technical Cluster. Occupational Analyses. Worker Task Lists and Supplementary Information for Selected Occupations.
Quelle(1996), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Buildings; Carpentry; Competence; Competency Based Education; Distributive Education; Electricians; Electricity; Employment Qualifications; Engineering; Job Skills; Maintenance; Marketing; Occupational Clusters; Occupational Information; Postsecondary Education; Sales Occupations; Task Analysis; Technical Occupations; Trade and Industrial Education; Vocational Education; Virginia
AbstractThis publication contains worker task lists and supplementary information for four occupations in the engineering, trade, and technical cluster: (1) general carpenter, (2) residential electrician, (3) industrial distribution occupations, and (4) residential and commercial maintenance specialist. The task lists were generated through the DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) process and/or by analysis by a panel of experts. The following supplementary information is provided for each occupation: (1) general carpenter--worker traits and attitudes and career paths; (2) residential electrician--traits and attitudes, trends, technical preparation needed, career insights from experts; (3) industrial distribution--traits and attitudes, knowledge and skills, job titles; and (4) maintenance specialist--traits and attitudes, knowledge, certification, general and technical skills, equipment, trends, career ladder. (KC)
AnmerkungenVirginia Vocational Curriculum and Resource Center, 2200 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060-2208 ($10).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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