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Ariadne Pfad:


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TitelInstructional Strategies [in HRD].
Quelle(1995), (35 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Employee Attitudes; Employer Attitudes; Employer Employee Relationship; Employment Practices; Ethics; Human Resources; Labor Force Development; Management Games; On the Job Training; Outcomes of Education; Teaching Methods; Work Attitudes
AbstractThese four papers are from a symposium on instructional strategies that was facilitated by Joseph Kessels at the 1995 Academy of Human Resource Development (HRD) conference. "Developing Supervisory Expertise: The Effects of an Inductive versus a Deductive Training Method on the Job Behaviors of Supervisors" (Margaret C. Lohman) discusses a study that showed that, although supervisors in a group trained with deductive methods demonstrated a greater ability to apply their learning, supervisors trained inductively perceived that the quality of their training experience was better; implications of these findings for HRD theory, research, and practice are presented. "Identifying Instructional Criteria in Corporate Settings" (Clark J. Hickman) reports on a factor analysis study of a national sample of 372 trainers who reported the criteria they employ when deciding to adopt or reject a proposed new instructional method. "Exploring the Use of Training Games" (James J. Kirk, Hal Shoemaker) explores differences in the use of games by trainers in 82 companies. Trainers who spent a large percentage of their training time on gaming activities used games to generate ideas or solutions, whereas trainers using games less tended to use them to introduce new concepts. "Structured On-the-Job Training: Domain and Factors" (Jong Cheul Yang) critiques previous definitions of structured on-the-job training and suggests a model for the process. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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