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Autor/inClagett, Craig A.
InstitutionPrince George's Community Coll., Largo, MD. Office of Institutional Research and Analysis.
TitelPGCC Transfers to Maryland Public Four-Year Colleges. Research Brief RB93-15.
Quelle(1993), (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Transfer Students; Community Colleges; Comparative Analysis; Enrollment; Enrollment Trends; Higher Education; Institutional Mission; Outcomes of Education; Public Colleges; Research Problems; Reverse Transfer Students; Student Behavior; Student Educational Objectives; Two Year College Students; Two Year Colleges; Maryland
AbstractUsing statewide fall enrollment reporting systems, the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) generates a report each year showing fall-to-fall enrollment patterns of students among Maryland public colleges and universities, resulting in a "transfer matrix" that provides an indicator of transfer volume and destinations. At Prince George's Community College (PGCC) in Largo, Maryland, approximately half of students taking credit courses state that their primary reason for attending PGCC is to prepare for transfer to a four-year institution. Examination of the MHEC transfer matrix for enrollment from fall 1991 to fall 1992 revealed the following findings: (1) 935 students who were enrolled at PGCC in fall 1991 enrolled at a Maryland four-year public institution in fall 1992; (2) the most popular destination of former PGCC students was the University of Maryland at College Park; (3) statewide, between fall 1991 and fall 1992, 7,263 students transferred from community colleges to public senior institutions in Maryland, while 2,330 students were "reverse transfers," moving from four-year schools to community colleges; (4) for each reporting period from 1986-87 through 1991-92, "reverse transfers" at PGCC equal nearly two-fifths of the total number transferring from PGCC to senior institutions, reducing the actual net loss of PGCC students attributable to transfer; and (5) a spring 1988 survey of students who entered PGCC in fall 1984, revealed an overall transfer rate of 27%, a transfer rate of 36% for students completing at least 12 credits at PGCC, and a transfer rate of 65% for students completing at least 12 units and stating a transfer goal. Data tables are included. (PAA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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