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Sonst. PersonenCosta, Arthur L. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, VA.
TitelDeveloping Minds: Programs for Teaching Thinking. Revised Edition, Volume 2.
Quelle(1991), (129 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCognitive Processes; Comprehension; Concept Formation; Creative Thinking; Critical Thinking; Curriculum Design; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Evaluation; Decision Making; Developmental Stages; Elementary Secondary Education; Problem Solving; Program Descriptions; Teaching Methods; Thinking Skills
AbstractThis book contains 29 articles which address topics related to teaching thinking. The articles include: (1) "Balancing Process and Content" (Marilyn Jager Adams); (2) "Structure of Intellect (SOI)" (Mary N. Meeker); (3) "Instrumental Enrichment" (Francis R. Link); (4) "Thinking to Write: Assessing Higher-Order Cognitive Skills and Abilities" (Frances R. Link); (5) "Expand Your Thinking" (David Hyerle); (6) "The CoRT Thinking Program" (Edward de Bono); (7) "IMPACT" (S. Lee Winocur); (8) "Philosophy for Children" (Matthew Lipman); (9) "The California Writing Project" (Carol Booth Olson); (10) "Future Problem Solving" (Anne B. Crabbe); (11) "Thinking Skills: Making a Choice" (Anne H. Nardi and Charles E. Wales); (12) "Odyssey: A Curriculum for Thinking" (Elena Dworkin Wright); (13)"Learning to Learn" (Marcia Heiman); (14) "Creative Problem Solving" (Sidney J. Parnes); (15) "The Junior Great Books Program of Interpretive Reading and Discussion" (Howard Will); (16) "Building Thinking Skills" (John D. Baker); (17) "HOTS" (Stanley Pogrow); (18) "Tactics for Thinking: A Program for Initiating the Teaching of Thinking" (Robert J. Marzano); (19) "Connections" (Shari Tishman); (20) "Talents Unlimited" (Deborah E. Hobbs and Carol L. Schlichter); (21) "Intelligence Applied: A Triarchic Program for Training Intellectual Skills" (Robert J. Sternberg); (22) "The Touchstones Project: Discussion Classes for Students of All Abilities" (Geoffrey J. Comber and others); (23) "Creative Learning and Problem Solving" (Scott G. Isaksen and Donald J. Trefflinger; (24) "Thinking, Reading, and Writing" (Sydney Billig Tyler); (25) "The Thinking to Learn Series" (Educational Testing Service); (26) "Developing Thinking Skills" (Margarita A. de Sanchez); (27) "Cognitive Curriculum for Young Children" (H. Carl Haywood and others); (28) "Problem-Solving Approach to Mathematics Instruction Using an Embedded Data Videodisc" (Michael Young and others); and (29) "How Do You Choose a Thinking Skills Program That Is Right for You?" (Richard D. Sholseth and Diane Y. Watanabe). (PRA)
AnmerkungenAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1250 North Pitt St., Alexandria, VA 22314 (Stock No. 611-91027, $10.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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