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Autor/inn/enRathbone-McCuan, Eloise; Coward, Raymond T.
TitelMale Helpers: Unrecognized Informal Supports.
Quelle(1985), (14 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterDaughters; Family Relationship; Helping Relationship; Older Adults; Parent Child Relationship; Services; Sex Differences; Sons
AbstractThe gender variable in adult child caregiving has not been clearly examined. Research often uses non-random participants, inappropriate caregiver definitions, non-differentiation of helping tasks, avoidance of daughter/son comparison, and the non-use of the elder's marital status as a control. A study was conducted to examine the gender variable in adult child caregiving. A random sample of noninstitutionalized elderly (N=900) was interviewed regarding help provided to them in personal health, transportation, home maintenance, and indoor household chores. The results showed that daughters were eight times more likely than sons to help with indoor chores and three times more likely to help with personal care. Sons were nine times more likely than daughters to help with home maintenance. The elderly reported being equally satisfied with help from sons and daughters. Most helpers were not paid, but daughters were more likely to be paid than sons. Clinical literature and practice should be aware of gender differences and gender directed family systems intervention would be beneficial. (ABL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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