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Autor/inLines, Patricia M.
InstitutionEducation Commission of the States, Denver, CO.
TitelTreatment of Religion in Public Schools and the Impact on Private Education.
Quelle(1984), (64 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Catholics; Conflict; Constitutional Law; Court Litigation; Educational History; Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary Education; Enrollment Influences; Federal Legislation; Private Schools; Protestants; Public Schools; Religion; Social Change; State Church Separation; Values
AbstractThis paper explores major historical changes in public school values from colonial times to the present and describes the ways such changes have affected private education. Emphasized are values based on religious premises, values that affect the religious beliefs of others, and the impact of both types of values on decisions to leave public schools and affiliate with or establish private schools. Specific topics addressed include (1) the religious prototype for public schools; (2) religious public schools and compulsory education; (3) the impact of private education; (4) public response to successful private schools; (5) the nondenominational movement; (6) early secular influences; (7) persistence of the sectarian and nondenominational religious ethic; (8) the role of the Constitution; (9) religion and the public school today; and (10) impact on private schools. The discussion subsequently focuses on shifts within the private school population, trends in litigation, trends in legislation, and sources of tension between public and private schools. Generally, it is asserted that, while the public schools at the beginning of the 20th century reflected evangelical, Protestant values, today they reflect mostly secular values. The sharp rise in litigation over state regulation in private schools in the 1980s is seen as evidence of new tension between public and private education. It is expected that the courts and legislatures will accommodate Christians who choose to educate their children in private schools. (RH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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