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Autor/inChurchman, David
TitelThe Educational Impact of Zoos and Museums: A Review of the Literature.
Quelle(1985), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Improvement; Educational Research; Exhibits; Literature Reviews; Museums; Naturalistic Observation; Nonformal Education; Participation; Research Methodology; Social Behavior
AbstractEducation is identified as one of the major goals of zoos. Research studies of the educational goals of different audiences associated with zoos and aquaria are reviewed in this report. These audiences include: (1) the zoo staff; (2) volunteers or docents; (3) general community members in formal programs; (4) students (elementary through graduate school); and (5) recreational visitors. The report also discusses the educational components of, and factors affecting, education in zoos, emphasizes the need for visitor research, explains approaches for conducting research on human behavior learning in the zoo/museum/aquarium environment, and reviews problems associated with the commonly employed methodologies of experimental design studies and survey research. It is pointed out that much of the literature that exists is descriptive, appearing almost exclusively in journals and conference proceedings associated with zoos and museums rather than in those of major disciplines such as psychology or sociology. Research studies often involve small numbers, instruments of unknown reliability and validity, and data that cannot be generalized confidently. The more extensive use of naturalistic or nonreactive research measures is recommended. (ML)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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