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Autor/inn/enSchollum, Brendan; und weitere
InstitutionWaikato Univ., Hamilton (New Zealand).
TitelBurning. A Resource Unit for Teachers. Learning in Science Project. Working Paper No. 36.
Quelle(1981), (29 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Chemical Reactions; Comprehension; Concept Formation; Concept Teaching; Curriculum Development; Elementary School Science; Elementary Secondary Education; Heat; Learning; Science Activities; Science Education; Science Instruction; Scientific Concepts; Secondary School Science; Teaching Methods; New Zealand
AbstractThis unit consists of four parts. Part 1 contains a five-item instrument designed to help teachers clarify their own views about "burning." Part 2 discusses scientists' views about burning and lists answers to the survey instrument presented in part 1. Part 3 contrasts scientists' views with children's views, using children's comments obtained during the in-depth phase of the Learning in Science Project. Part 4 presents several teaching activities designed to help children modify their views of concepts related to "burning." Activities include: (1) observing a burning candle; (2) investigating the yellow part of a flame; (3) examining the dark, inner part of a flame; (4) investigating candle wax; (5) discovering what happens to wax when a candle burns down; (6) determining if air is needed to burn things; (7) demonstrating that air is used in burning; (8) and determining what is formed when a candle burns. Three extension activities, answers to questions, and an outline of the activities with suggested sequence (in flowchart format) are included. (JN)
AnmerkungenUniversity of Waikato, Science Education Research Unit, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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