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Sonst. PersonenKecskes, Istvan (Hrsg.)
TitelExplorations in pragmatics.
Linguistic, cognitive and intercultural aspects.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Untersuchungen zur Pragmatik. Linguistik, kognitive und interkulturelle Aspekte.
QuelleBerlin: de Gruyter (2007), VI, 348 S.
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ReiheMouton series in pragmatics. 1
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-11-019366-4; 978-3-11-019884-3; 978-3-11-916629-4
SchlagwörterMethodologie; Interkulturelle Kommunikation; Kognition; Kommunikation; Psychologie; Lernen; Motivation; Linguistik; Soziolinguistik; Sprache; Mehrsprachigkeit; Englisch; Französisch; Philosophie; Alltag; Entwicklung
Abstract"This collection of papers embodies the dynamism and diversity of the field of pragmatics. Its authors represent ten different countries and exemplify research across all aspects of pragmatics, along with the interrelations between pragmatics proper and such neighboring disciplines as cognitive psychology, philosophy of language, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, and communication. Recent theoretical and empirical advances in these fields have motivated scholars to reexamine and revise some of the central tenets of pragmatics, and it is this reexamination which lies at the heart of the easers in this volume." (author's abstract). Index: Istvan Kecskes, Laurence R. Horn: Index (1-3); John R. Horn: What is language: Some preliminary remarks (7-37); Laurence R. Horn: Toward a Fregean pragmatics: Voraussetzung, Nebengedanke, Andeutung (39-69); Jacques Moeschler: The role of explicature in communication and in interculturcal communication (73-94); Francisco Jose Ruiz de Mendoza, Annalisa Baicchi: Illocutionary constructions: Cognitive motivation and linguistic (95-127); Rachel Giori: A good Arab is not a dead Arab - a racist incitement": On the accessibility of negated concepts (129-162); Jacob L. Mey: Developing pragmatics interculturally (165-189); Istvan Kecskes: Fomulaic language in English Lingua Franca (191-218); Peter Grundy: Language evolution, pragmatic inference, and the use of English as a lingua franca (219-256); Gitte Kristiansen, Dirk Geeraerts: On non-reductionalist intercultural pragmatics and methodological procedure (257-285); Helene Margerie: From downgrading to (over) intensifying: a pragmatic study in English and French (287-311); Marina Terkourafi: Toward a universal notion of face for a universal notion of cooperation (313-339).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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