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Autor/inWu, Su-Yueh
TitelTeaching The Three Little Pigs to EFL Young Learners in Taiwan.
QuelleIn: The internet TESL journal, 14 (2008) 1
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEmpirische Forschung; Bilderbuch; Kind; Primarbereich; Methodik; Fremdsprachenunterricht; Englischunterricht; Effizienz; Taiwan
AbstractPicture books have been recognized as an effective aid for first and second language learning because they cover rich, authentic and beautiful language, especially with rhythmic refrains and repetitive sentence patterns. Few EFL studies demonstrated using multiple techniques on teaching folktales to EFL young learners in Taiwan. Therefore, the main purpose of the paper was to show how young learners in Taiwan learned English effectively when they were exposed to such repetitive features of folktales by using multiple techniques. The multiple teaching techniques included presenting the picture book, using flash cards, showing sentence stripes, playing puppets for story drama, playing the chosen story CD, reading aloud, role play, choral speaking/chanting, and singing songs with action. The finding showed that the use of multiple teaching techniques in teaching this folktale had strong effect on increasing young learners' English listening and speaking performance. It indicates that it is effective for teachers to apply multiple ways to present folktales in order that young learners would be interested in and be familiar with the folktale content. (Verlag).
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