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Sonst. PersonenTaylor, Gail (Hrsg.)
InstitutionKVS Inst., Helsinki (Finland).
TitelLearning for the Workplace: Nordic and Canadian Perspectives.
Quelle(1996), (129 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCertification; Change Strategies; Comparative Analysis; Conservation Education; Distance Education; Education Work Relationship; Educational Needs; Educational Objectives; Educational Practices; Educational Technology; Employment Potential; Employment Qualifications; Engineers; Foreign Countries; Information Technology; Inservice Education; International Educational Exchange; International Programs; Job Skills; Job Training; Labor Force Development; Models; Older Workers; On the Job Training; Open Education; Organizational Development; Partnerships in Education; Postsecondary Education; Retraining; School Business Relationship; Sustainable Development; Technological Advancement; Training Methods; Unemployment; Unions; Vocational Education; Work Environment; Canada
AbstractThis book contains 21 papers from the Nordic-Canadian Learning for the Workplace Conference, which was held in Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland in June 1995. The following papers are included: "Introduction to the Nordic-Canadian Learning for the Workplace Conference" (Olli-Pekka Heinonen); "Conference Design and Process" (Diane Abbey-Livingston); "From Training to Workplace Learning: Adult Education and Organizational Learning" (Diane Abbey-Livingston); "Excerpt: Adult Education in Finland" (presented by Jorma Ahola); "Issues of Work Transitions and Training of Older Workers" (Lisa Avedon); "Studying Employability Skills in an Open Learning Environment" (Eija Bergman); "Technology and Learning: Finding the Balance" (Elizabeth J. Burge); "Labour Leadership: The Training Trust Fund Model" (John Cole); "Now that We've Come to School: On the Glorification of Training" (Patrick Flanagan); "Don't Shoot the Messenger: Creativity in Education" (Janice Gillies); "In-Service Training: A New Challenge in Swedish Advanced Further Education" (Margareta Gisselberg); "Industrial Adjustment Services: A Participatory Process for Dealing with Change" (Joakim Hermelin); "Weaving a Masterpiece: New Ways of Living, Learning and Working Together" (Kathleen Howard); "International Recognition of Engineers: The EurEta Register" (Erkki Husu); "An Effective Way to Enhance the Employability of Unemployed and Active Workers: The Joint Employability Program" (Robert Isabelle); "Education-Business Partnerships in Finland" (Tuomo Lahdeniemi); "Information Technology Change Agent" (Bengt J. Lindstrom); "Distance Education at Work" (Betty Rohdin); "Summary: Education, Training and Research in the Information Society: A National Strategy" (presented by Helena Savolainen); "Education for the Sustainable Use of Swedish Forests" (Goran Sjoberg); and "Academic Wisdom and Practical Action" (Pam Whitty). (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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