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Autor/inMaeroff, Gene I.
InstitutionCouncil of the Great City Schools, Washington, DC.
TitelTeaching and Learning in English Urban Schools. A Report of a Study Visit.
Quelle(1991), (63 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollegiality; Diversity (Student); Educational Policy; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Governance; Institutional Environment; International Cooperation; International Educational Exchange; Parent School Relationship; Teacher Evaluation; Teacher Supervision; Urban Schools; United Kingdom (England)
AbstractThe challenges facing urban elementary and secondary schools are like those facing suburban and rural schools, but there are complex circumstances that complicate efforts by urban school systems to carry out their mission. Schools in the cities have more students from impoverished homes, more foreign-born or minority group students, and more students suffering disabilities and shakier sources of financial support. Urban schools operate amid violence, crime, drug abuse, unemployment, poor housing, and poor public services. Educators in the United States and England looked at the nature of urban education as common ground for professional exchange. In 1987, English educators met with their U.S. colleagues and then visited U.S. elementary and secondary schools. In 1990, 60 U.S. educators met with British colleagues at a conference in London, and then visited urban schools throughout England. The paper presents the collective observations of the U.S. educators taken from summary sheets and diaries kept during the visit, as well as from discussions held at a retreat and from written summations. Nine sections deal with the following topics: overview of the organization of English schools; the setting; the quality, nature, and substance of teaching and learning; assessment and accountability; equity and access; teachers; supervision; governance and management; parents and external influences; and implications for practice and policies in the United States in regard to governance, national standards, assessment, principals, teachers, building community, organization and content, and equity. (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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